Suit up for your “A Game” | Franchise Singapore; Best Franchise Opportunities in Singapore

Suit up for your “A Game”

Just wishing for great things to happen, just hoping for what you want and need, just dreaming about success isn’t going to just happen unless you suit up and get ready to play your “A Game”.

In his book “GO FOR THE GOLD” Eric Harvey writes “If you don’t fully show up, neither will success” He elaborates that showing up means:
1. Being Physically present
2. Being Mentally focused
3. Being Emotionally committed

In franchising, Franchise Mind™ presents the concept of ‘Focused Execution’ by the franchisor: a deliberate and engaged execution of the strategy to create success for everyone in the franchise eco-system.


It is not merely sufficient to designate oneself as a franchisor, or to have the necessary legal documents prepared or to even mechanically perform activities to attract potential franchisees. Being suited up for your “A Game” requires not just your physical presence but being fully engaged and committed to your success.

In any business there are always multiple priorities, opportunities, challenges and distraction. Yes, distractions most of the time disguised as activities. Most businesses and people are constantly in reactive mode, so wound up with the day’s fire fighting and completely oblivious to the priorities of the business that drive success. Not being able to ‘see the forest for the trees’.

“Eight percent of success is showing up.”
—Woody Allen

Truly successful companies and leaders are successful because they are:

Physically present. Being present and fully aware of what is happening around them. If we were to use a tradeshow analogy, it isn’t sufficient to just show up in an embroidered logo shirt at the booth and expect that the tradeshow will be successful. Yes, that is the first requirement, showing up. However, being physically present requires being aware of ‘things’ happening around you: are the brochures lined up properly, is the light falling in the right place, will the plant come in the way of people wanting to come inside the booth and the many other things happening both inside and outside the booth that can affect how the game is being played.

Mentally focused. Together with physical presence is required focus on the outcome. Continuing the tradeshow analogy, being prepared to answer objections from tradeshow participants, being prepared to answer questions, being prepared to present your offering with passion and conviction and having multiple scenarios outlined in your head based on the direction of the conversation with a prospect. The mental focus is such that you are able to concentrate on achieving the desired outcome.

ca. 2003 --- Runner Crouching at Starting Line --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Emotionally committed. A vast majority of people desire, dream or hope to succeed but are not willing to do what is required to achieve that dream. To do what is required to succeed is much harder than wishing to succeed. Renowned Master of Vedanta, HH Swami Chinmayananda so aptly says “Some act till they meet obstacles, others act inspite of obstacles, and conquer them; but some act not, fearing the possibility of obstacles, that might arise enroute.”

In our tradeshow analogy, the fear of rejection stops many from following up with prospects they have chatted with at the tradeshow. Of course their actions are nicely packaged with intellectually sound rationalizations. At the end, it is a demonstration of the lack of an emotional commitment to success.

Being a world-class franchisor, a world-class business owner, a world-class executive, a world-class athlete, a world-class in anything requires you to play your “A Game” at all times. You cannot choose to show up some days and not show up on others. You must be suited up and ready to give it your all. Are you prepared to be world-class?

In any field of work success demands that you show up not just with your body, but being fully prepared to play the game to the best of your ability, being focused on winning and being committed to do what is necessary to being world-class.

As Author, Seth Godin says, “GO! Make something happen.”

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