We are a restaurant management company, RHQ in Singapore, headquartered in Japan. We own and operate original and franchised brands in Singapore. Our group operates 100 outlets in total.

Brand Name: Tonkotsu Kazan Ramen
Franchise / License Status: Franchisor
Country of Origin: Japan
Description: Founded in 2012 in Singapore with expertise from our headquarters in Osaka, Japan, we now have six stores in Singapore, six in Thailand, one in Jakarta and most recently, two new stores in Waikiki, Hawaii. Our specialty is the KAZAN, or volcano ramen, which combines good taste with entertainment. Handmade goodness, safe and of high quality, for our customers? utmost satisfaction.

Brand Name: Belle-Ville Pancake Cafe
Franchise / License Status: Franchisor
Country of Origin: Japan
Description: Made-to-order, Jenga Fluffy Soufflé Japanese Millefeuille Pancake.

Brand Name: Maji Curry
Franchise / License Status: Franchisor
Country of Origin: Japan
Description: Maji Curry is the 2018 champion of the prestigious Kanda Curry Grand Prix in Tokyo, where more than 400 curry restaurants compete, and the best curry store is voted by 40,000 members of the public. Our founder travelled the world and tried all types of curry, before coming up with this unique, rich Japanese-meets-Indian curry that boasts of 10 different spices and is broiled for long hours.
Signature dishes include cheese fondue hamburg curry, pork cutlet curry and omelette vegetable curry. Popular housemade kamifukuzuke, tangy, appetising pickles made of fruit and vegetables, is also available for free. The first store in Singapore has opened since 4 April 2022 at Square 2 with good results and we are looking for corporate franchisees to open in Singapore and the region. Franchisees can be guaranteed of a consistent curry sauce quality from our Central Kitchen. We currently have 3 stores in Tokyo, 1 in Bangkok, and will be opening soon in Los Angeles and Toronto.
Key Facts:
Website: sunpark.ne.jp
Year of Incorporation: 1966
Country of Incorporation: Japan