Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) is a renowned retail chain that specializes in pet food and accessories. It has won multiple awards for its outstanding services and products, and is currently the largest pet store chain in Singapore and Malaysia, operating around 160 locations across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. The company offers two service brands, namely Pet Lovers Centre and The Pet Safari, which are conveniently located in shopping malls and shop houses in various locations. These brands provide top-notch services and expert advice to pet owners. Additionally, PLC has a strong online presence, enabling customers to conveniently shop for their pets from the comfort of their own homes.

Brand Name: Pet Lovers Centre
Franchise / License Status: Franchisor
Country of Origin: Singapore
Description: Pet Lovers Centre is the largest pet-care retail and service chain in Asia outside Japan. Founded in 1973, it now has 160 outlets scattered in four countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and The Philippines. It endears its customers with care and passion driven by a state-of-the-art delivery system. Grow with the leader. Be a country franchisee of the brand that has withstood the test of time over the last half-century.
- Best Brand Experience – Silver (CX Asia Excellence Awards 2022)
- Top Mall Seller Award – Pet Food & Supplies Category (Shopee Seller Submit 2022)
- World Branding Awards – Animalis Edition – Singapore – Hofburg Vienna, 2019 – 2020
- World Branding Awards – Animalis Edition – Singapore – Hofburg Vienna, 2017 – 2018
Key Facts:
Website: petloverscentre.com
Year of Incorporation: 1973
Country of Incorporation: Singapore