With their motto based on building healthy bodies, self-esteem and a lifelong love for sports and fitness, JumpBunch offers structured sports and fitness programmes for children aged from 15 months to 12 years of age. JumpBunch classes are offered at schools, day care centres or even the local YMCA as part of a learning facility or institution’s curriculum. JumpBunch offers its franchisees a superior franchise opportunity of a mobile concept, where no teaching or sports experience is necessary nor required, an online “Extranet” to share questions, ideas, suggestions and solutions and conferences to strategize directly with JumpBunch USA staff who share a similar passion and vision for their business.
JumpBunch, Inc.
Address: Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Website: www.jumpbunch.com
Year Established: 1997
Country of Origin: USA
No. of Units: 46
Franchise Option: Master Franchise Agreement
Franchise Fee: Request for Information
Franchise Term: 15+15 years