Hobbs Holdings Franchise Business Opportunity


Fast food restaurants; franchise holder; provide admin. Support to franchisees


Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza

Brand Name: Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza

Franchise / License Status: Master Franchisee

Country of Origin: Canada

Description: Canadian 2 For 1 Pizza ~ There’s a slice for everyone.

Since the beginning of our operations in 1995 with just one outlet in Singapore, Canadian Pizza’s development has been enlivened with the energy to develop New Flavors of Pizza that caters to the taste of Singapore.

We realize numerous individuals love Pizzas, Yet a large number of us always associate Pizza with only certain flavors, At Canadian Pizza we have broken barriers and introduced Pizza’s that are unique and resonate with our Customers taste buds.

We believe Pizza is like a film, not everyone likes a thriller. Like each person has their own favorite genre in movies every individual has a favorite pizza. A Good Pizza takes you to a joyful ride of flavors that you love and cherish.


Influential Brands Top Brands Fast Food Pizza Chain 2020-2021

Award Name: Influential Brands Top Brands Fast Food Pizza Chain 2020-2021

Key Facts

Website: canadian-pizza.com
Year of Incorporation: 1998
Country of Incorporation: Singapore

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