Xiao Long Kan Hotpot is originated from China, Chong Qing province. They are well known for making spices for more than hundred years and the secret recipe is being passed down to generation to generation. At Xiao Long Kan Hotpot, we used top quality ingredients like butter, dry chilli and Sichuan peppercorn to make the mala spices. At Xiao Long Kan Hotpot, we serve the most delicious and intense deep flavour of Mala Hotpot to keep you from coming back for more.

Brand Name: Xiao Long Kan Hotpot
Franchise / License Status: Franchisor
Country of Origin: China
Description: Xiao Long Kan Hotpot is originated from China, Chong Qing province. They are well known for making spices for more than hundred years and the secret recipe is being passed down to generation to generation. At Xiao Long Kan Hotpot, we used top quality ingredients like butter, dry chilli and Sichuan peppercorn to make the mala spices. At Xiao Long Kan Hotpot, we serve the most delicious and intense deep flavour of Mala Hotpot to keep you from coming back for more.
Key Facts
Year Established: 2017
Country of Incorporation: Singapore