Algorithmics – a programming school for kids with over 150 franchisees across the globe

Algorithmics is one of the world’s largest programming schools for children from 5 to 17 years old. Currently, over 150,000 children are studying at our school. Our footprint counts 18 countries and 200 cities. Jointly with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, we have launched a project to introduce a new format of teaching computer science in public schools. The project received an award at Bett MEA in April 2019.
Our team are professionals who love children and want to make programming simple, exciting and fun for them.
Programming is a skill of the 21st century. Even though many schools teach information and communication technology, lots of students have minimal elementary programming skills.
We combine offline and online learning. At Algorithmics, we help children to make their first steps in STEM. Our students create video games, cartoons and IT projects. They acquire critical thinking and logical reasoning skills, presentation and project planning skills, teamwork and more. No matter who they will become, children will take advantage of what they learn with us.
Start your business with one of the world’s best franchises behind you.
Take a look at the investment numbers involved: — The lump-sum payment starts from €15,000 (depends on the population of a city and other factors) — Royalty: 10% of sales
Additional investments: up to €10,000 Investments include marketing, rent, furniture, and equipment
Let us help you accelerate your entrepreneurial dream!
— Startup Investments: €20,000 — Operating earnings attainment within 3+ months — Payback: 1 year or more — Net profit: from €3,000/month
We’re in the business of making a difference that matters. What parents choose Algorithmics?
We understand that every student learns the material at a different pace. At Algorithmics, we developed an online education platform that allows instructors and parents to track students’ progress and create an individual study path for each child, taking into account her/his abilities. We monitor students’ progress and make tasks more complicated if the students cope quickly, or offer additional similar assignments for those having difficulties with the material.
Our innovative education platform allows: — building personal education tracks where the difficulty level adapts to each student — analyzing student performance — supervising tutor’s activity and class’ progress — studying both at school and home and chatting with teachers
What will you get as Algorithmics franchisee?
The lump-sum package includes: — an up-to-date online learning platform — methodological guidelines — detailed lesson plans, media, and workbooks — LMS (Learning Management System) — Teacher and sales trainings – Our priority is not limited to launching your business. We are interested in helping you grow!
Every franchisee gets access to our knowledge database that has ready-to-use instructions and materials to start your business:: — detailed checklist and step-by-step school launch plan — product information — teacher selection criteria — promotion tips and advertising guidelines — marketing materials — customer support standards — sales scripts and rules
Never had a business? Don’t worry – we will help you along the way!
Every affiliate has its account manager providing advisory across all stages. — We provide training for teachers, supervisors, and sales manager — We provide you with instructions on how to use our educational platform and LMS
You will find yourself in an active community of entrepreneurs continually sharing their experience.
We have over 150 successful partners across the globe, you can become one of them today.
Ready to start? These are 8 essential steps to start your business:
— Sign a contract — Find a location — Find teachers — Get training for your teachers and supervisors — Hold free introductory lessons to attract students — Enrol students and start classes — Keep an eye on student retention and teachers’ professional growth — Report on your activities to the Parent Company
Learn more from your personal business developer today!

Key Facts:
Type of Business: Educational Franchise
Address: 109004, Moscow, Russia Zemlyanoy val 59 build 2
Year Established: 2016
Country of Origin: Russia
Contact Person: Dzhennet Marlenova
Tel: +79296608313
Email: infofranchise@alg.team
Initial Capital: Available Upon Request
Franchise Fees: From US$ 15,000
Franchise Term (Years): 5
Royalty: 10%
Types of Franchise Available:
1. Single location: Opportunity to open one Algorithmics center
2. Local franchise: Operate in one region (city, province, county)
3. Master franchise: Operate in the entire country and sell sub-franchises
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Dear Joe,
Thank you for your interest in our franchise. You can find more information by checking out their website http://www.alg.academy or contacting us directly at infofranchise@alg.team.
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your interest in our franchise. You can find more information by checking out their website http://www.alg.academy or contacting us directly at infofranchise@alg.team.